Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sarina's First week...

Hard to believe, but it has already been a week since Sarina was born. We're learning to live with little sleep but lots of new found joy. In her first week, we brought Sarina home from the hospital, welcomed her home, gave her a sponge bath, and have spent lots of time feeding, burping, and napping with our new little girl. Some photos are below:

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Flashback... Maternity photos

We recently received our Maternity photos from our wonderful photographer, Ami Bruce. We took these photos at week 36 of Smita's pregnancy - here's some of them. Now that we've seen baby in all her glory we've been reminiscing about when we were anticipating the arrival of Sarina.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Sarina - Day Two

Here are a few photos from Day Two. Both Mom and Dad got to spend some quality time with Sarina... including Dad in kangaroo mode. Aji and Azoba (Grandma & Grandpa Vakil) made it to town through a challenging set of flights from the East Coast. Smita got a wonderful massage from her Mom and Sarina got some new arms and laps to sleep on.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Introducing Sarina Jain

Introducing the newest member of our family... our long awaited baby girl, Sarina.

Below is a slideshow with some pictures from her first day of life.

She looks forward to meeting you all in the near future. Stay tuned, we plan to continue to update this blog with photos and commentary from Sarina's early life.

Happy Holidays to all!

Fast asleep this morning

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What will be first?

The car is on the brink of hitting 100,000 miles. We are wondering if the baby comes first or if the car hits 100k first. Hmmmmm...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Week 38... ANY day now

So here they are at the end of week 38. Baby is surely starting to get cramped and thinking about her grand escape to the outside world. So far, no signs of baby wanting to leave Smita's warm belly.

This is also the debut of our new camera ready to greet baby when she arrives.


We are going to go see Milk tonight. I'm also writing from by blackberry to make sure I have blackberry blog email updating set up right.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Week 37... FULL TERM!!

Here we are at the end of Week 37. Lil' J is now "fully baked." Over the next few weeks baby J will fatten up a bit, but otherwise she should be all developed and could be born at any time. She isn't showing any signs of wanting to leave mommy's warm belly, but who knows... We're all on alert now, car seat is installed and bags are (almost) packed.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Maternity Photos..

Smita and I had some maternity photos taken this weekend... We wanted to get some good photos of Smita (and I) just before having the baby. These aren't the maternity photos, just me taking some pictures during the actual photo shoot.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Week 36 profile photo

Here is Smita at the end of Week 36. Only a week away from full-term! We also had some great maternity photos taken this weekend which we will post in the near future. Also, I’m updating our blog this week from my blackberry so I’m all ready to go on the big day.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Getaway - Yosemite

Given our travel restrictions these days, we hit the road instead of flying this Thanksgiving. We thought it would be fun to go to Yosemite, about 3.5 hours away, get in one last road trip and outdoor excursion before our family grows. I've only been in the summer and spring. Fall is a really neat time in Yosemite - the autumn sun hits the rock walls in a different way and the leaves are changing color. We spent a couple days "hiking" (more like strolls for the pregnant lady)... taking in the breathtaking views of giant sequoia's, waterfalls, rockwalls, meadows etc. Lots of fresh air for all 3 of us. I'm experimenting this week with embedding slideshows in the blog just to see how well it works. Here are a few photos from the weekend.

Week 35 Belly Photo (in the great outdoors!)

Here's me at Week 35, on our trip to Yosemite National Park. Thank goodness the stretchy black dress didn't accompany me there. I like this picture because it's hard to feel big in Yosemite when the mountains and sequoias are always SO much bigger.

Friday, November 28, 2008

A couple more sonogram photos

Here's a couple photos of Smita at her Week 35 Sonogram. We had fun with the image; twisting & turning it, adding/removing layers, adding time series data etc. We could see individual hairs on the baby's head! A funny quote from our friend Andy earlier this evening.... "Aren't you going to be disappointed after seeing all these 4D images of the baby and then when she comes out seeing that the baby is in actuality only 3D?".... We all had had a good laugh at that...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving.... & Sonogram photos...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Smita and I went in for a Week 35 check up and sonogram yesterday. We got to see baby well formed. She now weighs 4 pounds 11 ounces according to their fancy calculation. She had turned upside down is now correctly head down like the spinning image on the right shows. We saw baby swallow, kick and of course sleep. We also confirmed that she is indeed a girl and checked all her other major organs. So far so good and all is still on schedule!

Here are some cute 4D pictures of baby girl sleeping....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Week 34 belly photo

Here they are at the end of Week 35. So far, Mom and Baby are doing great. We get to see baby tomorrow and will update with new photos!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Enough of the boring belly pictures...

... what has baby really been up to?

The truth is, baby Jain has been partying it up non-stop the last few weeks. The week before last, baby got to attend childbirth class and learn about her exit strategy from her current home. Quite educational for everyone involved. Last weekend, Baby Jain went to Neha's Sangeet (she will miss her wedding because she's not flying anymore), Sunil and Noela's baby shower, and a bbq at Chris and Amy's...and she closed out the weekend at a "Hot Truck" party at Greg and Maia's - Cornell style. She visited Cornell when she was almost 10 weeks young and was seemingly very excited to partake in a Cornell ritual re-enacted in the Bay Area.

Here are some pictures from Sunil and Noela's baby shower. Baby Aguiar is soon to make an appearance. He will have a ton of friends - there were at least 4 pregnant people at the shower that I counted. . . and Meena Tai and Naveen Dada were there too, getting lots of love (and cake)...

Here are some photos from Neha's. The mysterious purple Sari with the only blouse that fits me has made another appearance!

Stay tuned for more upcoming adventures!

Week 33

The weeks are flying by! Here's me on Friday. All is still well with momma, though carrying a bowling ball is taking its toll. Who knew turning over in bed could be a 5 minute ordeal. Baby is kicking like crazy these days - and actually, it feels a lot more like little body parts now. I've identified a knee that keeps poking out my side. OR maybe it's an elbow... (cue eery music)...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Week 32..

Here's the week 32 photo. I'm a bit late getting this posted, but the photo was taken last week. In other news, we now have all the major baby purchases done including the components of the baby's room... yay! All that's missing is a baby. . .

Monday, November 3, 2008

Week 31 belly picture

We're back in San Francisco... here's the week 31 belly picture. We now have 9 weeks left (single digits!!) and expecting the baby to start growing even more rapidly.... stay tuned...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Photos from the Toronto Baby Shower

Here are some photos from the (4th!) baby shower in Toronto earlier this month. It was at Smita's parents place in Toronto with lots of our family attending.

All the rest of the photos are here:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A couple more Miami photos

We keep saying "one last trip..." but find ourselves squeezing in more fun trips prior to baby's arrival. This one was our last pre-baby getaway trip that involves an airplane... we did have a great time in Miami - baby-to-be even got to go to her first Bills game!