With the economy in rough shape, we thought it was time to monetize Sarina's cuteness. Here's a picture showing her money making abilities (thanks, Pia, for the onesie!)
Sarina turned three months old last week. We celebrated with a little birthday dim sum (we're getting very creative with her birthday "cake") and of course singing and candle blowing.
Below are a few more photos of Monisha-bua, Akash Bhaiya, and Neha Didi with Sarina. We all had a great time during their visit and Sarina certainly received a lot of love and attention. Sarina also loved having fun cousins to play with and an Aunt to play, feed and generally help out with everything she needed. Smita, Sarina and I appreciate their help, advice and the fun they brought! We all enjoyed their visit and miss them...
Below are some photos from a "little" hike to the top of twin peaks we did... nobody beleived we were walking all the way to the top but we did!
Sarina got to with Mommy to get a Manicure / Pedicure. Here's a couple photos of Sarina's first visit to a Salon (accompanied by Mommy and Aunt Rita)... This of course is in addition to the massages Sarina receives from Mommy nearly every day - LUCKY girl!
We went to Alcatraz (something we rarely do when living in San Francisco) and also Fisherman's Wharf. Although a cold day, we all had fun... Sarina even got to check out the inside of a jail cell...
With my sisters family here, we've been seeing the sights and sounds of San Francisco over the last week or so. Here are some pictures of all of us around San Francisco.
We applied for a passport for Sarina and as part of the application took some passport photos. We took a *lot* of photos to get one to work but in the process captured a bunch of cute photos. Here are a few of them...
We all headed down to Ravi & Alice's house to celebrate Benjamin's 3rd birthday. Sarina got to meet Sushila Aji and sing happy birthday to Benjamin Dada. Pictures below; there is also a video below of us all singing happy birthday...
Last week we took Sarina on her first airplane trip to San Diego! She did great on the plane ride and we all had a lot of fun in San Diego. Sarina got to meet Shama Aatya and Madan Mama as well as her friend Angie. Here are some pictures of our little adventure:
Last weekend, my sister, Monisha along with my neice (Neha) and nephew (Akash) came to town to visit Sarina all the way from Florida. They are here with us for the week over their spring break. Here are some pictures of Sarina with her Bua, Akash Bhaiya and Neha Didi
Here a little post with lots of photos of Sarina with Dadi and Dadu. We all had a great time and enjoyed being able to spend two weeks with them. Sarina of course loved spending time playing with her loving Dadi and Dadu. We are all looking forward to seeing them again when we go to Buffalo in May.
While daddy doesn't get to spend as much time with Sarina, he makes the most of every minute he does have. Here are some recent photos of Sarina's favourite moments with her Daddy.
Here's a little video of us trying to get Sarina to give us a smile on Camera. She smiles a LOT these days.... but as soon as the camera is on, she gets camera shy and hides her cute smile. Usually the "nose beep" and the "cheek squeeze" produces a guaranteed smile or laugh.... not so when the camera is on.
Sarina has been busy as always visiting here and there. The last couple weeks included the SF Zoo, Milpitas (The Mittals, and the Jain Temple), Denise's baby shower, Chevy's and Vik's Chaat House. Her social schedule is impressive and second only to her mommy's schedule. Here are some photos of her latest escapades.