We went in for the full anatomy scan yesterday where all the external anatomy and internal organs were checked through the sonogram. We saw the baby - now much more defined and quite a bit larger. We checked for two arms, two feet, 10 fingers and 10 toes. We also watched the heart beat including seeing the valves open/close, took a look at the brain, kidneys, diaphragm, liver, etc. Luckily, so far everything looks normal. We also took found out that it is a girl. We can now stop calling the baby "It" and instead switch to "She." She was quite active, moving her arms around, kicking, we even saw that she had the hiccups for a couple minutes.
This also means that I WON the gender bet, so I need to go spend $100 in the next day on something fun!! Woo-hoo!
Here's a bunch of sonogram photos:
Here she is before and after she she moved her hand into her mouth... looks like she's going to be a nail biter!!

Here's another couple... just kicking back and relaxing...

Nap time?
"4-D image" below; you can kind of make out her arms crossed in front her body and face. Her lips peek out from under her hand at the upper right of the image. Bottom left, you can make out a knee. I think this is the "Stop taking pictures of me... I'm naked and embarrassed" pose
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